The author now justifies the punishment given to the evil scholars. He says scholars of evil nature deserve punishment because such a character is a sin. When studying, the intent should be very clear and genuine.
A person who studies with evil intentions is not entitled to the endowments allocated to students of knowledge. These unfortunate students should be deprived of any benefits offered to honest students.
It is also a sin to teach such students if the teacher is aware of their intentions. Because assisting evil is also evil. It is like giving the sword to the killer, for he commits harm and injury to the people. No doubt, we are not allowed to give the sword to a killer.
The author has highlighted the following signs in the above lines:
1. The student will be very interested in the evil desires of Nafs (Self).
2. The student will follow his own whims and bad wishes in attaining worldly benefit.
3. The student will attept to gain the luxury of this world in any way irrespective of whether it is legal or illegal.
4. Studying and practicing the Fard Kifaya (collective duty) before studying and practicing Fard Ain (individual duty).
5. Ignoring the importance of Jamaat(congregation) in prayer and not attending it without any excuse.
6. Ignoring the Sunnah prayers before and after five times prayer.
7. Ignoring the worships that are optional (Sunan)