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Chapter #13 سَتْرُ العَوْرَة Covering Awrah – (Salaat: Brief rulings of Prayer in Shafi Madh’hab)

 Know etiquettes of entering Toilet
 Know how to purify from urine and defecation
 Understand the places where Istinja is not preferred

Etiquettes of entering Toilet:

  1. Wearing footwear.
  2. Covering the head.
  3. Not entering with any reputable item(مُعَظَّم) such as Quran.
  4. Stepping in to toilet with the left foot first.
  5. Saying the following Dhikr while entering it.
    اللهُّمَّ إِنِّي أَعُوذُ بِكَ مِنَ الخُبْثِ والخَبَائِث
    O Allah, I seek refuge with You from devils – males and females (or all offensive and wicked things, evil deeds and evil spirits, etc.)
  6. Relieving oneself (قَضَاء الحَاجَة) while sitting.
  7. Sitting on the higher place.
  8. Not facing or turning his back to Qiblah.
  9. Resting on his left side while sitting.
  10. Not eating and drinking.
  11. Not sitting for long time.
  12. Doing Istibra’a (الاستبراء/ making sure that traces of urine stopped coming out).
  13. Stepping out from toilet with right foot.
  14. Saying the following Dhikr when exiting the toilet:
    غُفْرَانَكَ الحمْدُ للِّهِ الذِي أَذْهَبَ عَنِّي الأذَى وعَافَانِي
    (Praise is to Allah Who has relieved me of impurity and given me good health)
    The places where relieving oneself (قَضَاء الحَاجَة) is Makrooh
  15. Still water (مَاء رَاكِدٌ) not as large as the big pool or sea (مُسْتَبْحَر).
  16. Small quantity of flowing water.
  17. Meeting place and road.
  18. Under the fruitful trees.
  19. Holes.
  20. Solid and windy place.
  21. On the respected grave(قَبر).
  22. On the wall of the mosque.
    The relieving oneself is Haraam in following cases:
  23. On food.
  24. On bone.
  25. On respected things.
  26. Facing or turning the back to Qiblah while relieving in the open place.

This is excerpts from the book Salaat (Brief rulings of Prayer in Shafi Madh’hab) by Abdu Shaheed Azhary. To download the full chapter click the below link. To support us, please consider acquiring the digital copy of the book from Amazon