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Chapter#23أَبْعَاضُ السُّنَّةAb’aadu Sunnah

 Ab’aadu Sunnah
 Hai’aatu Sunnah
 Sujoodu Sahw

Ab’aadu Sunnah (أبعاض السنة)
Some Sunan of Salaat are compensated by making Sujood of Sahw (سجود السهو). They are called Ab’aad (أبْعَاض). Those Sunan that are not needed to compensate by Sujood Sahw are called Hai’aat (الهَيْئَات).
Ab’aad are:

  1. First Tashahhud (التَّشَهُّد الأَوَّل).
  2. Saying Salaat for our Prophet after first Tashahhud.
  3. Sitting for above said Salaat and Tashahhud.
  4. Qunoot Raatib (قُنُوت رَاتِب).
  5. Standing for Qunoot.
  6. Saying Salaat for our prophet’family after final Tashahhud.
    All other Sunan are Hai’aat.
    If Imam or Munfarid avoided any one of Ab’aad intentionally(عَمْدً) and then returned to it knowingly and intentionally, his Salaat is invalid. If he forgets any of Ab’aad Sunnah and remembered it before reaching to a Fard, it is Sunnah for him to return to forgotten Sunnah. If he returned after reaching to Fard, his Salaat is invalid.
    If Ma’moom forgets any one of Ab’aad Sunnah, he has to follow his Imam whether he already engaged in the Fard or not.
    Sujood Sahw (سجُود السهْو)
    Sahw means omission or lapse. Sujood Sahw is to make two Sujoods little before Salaam for following things:
  7. Missing any one of Ab’aad intentionally or forgetfully.
  8. Doubt whether he missed a specific Ab’aad Sunnah or not.
  9. Transferring any required verbal (قَوْلِي) component from its place to another place. (except Takbeeratul Ihram and salaam, both will make Salaat invalid).

This is excerpts from the book Salaat (Brief rulings of Prayer in Shafi Madh’hab) by Abdu Shaheed Azhary. To download the full chapter click the below link. To support us, please consider acquiring the digital copy of the book from Amazon