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Spiritual Journey of a Muslim (Short Course on Gazzali Imam’s Minhajul Abidin)

Course Instructor

Abdu Shaheed Azhary Abdu Shaheed Azhary Author

Abdul Shaheed Azhary is graduate from Al Azhar University, Ciaro. He has authored a couple of books on Islamic topics. He has been teaching Islamic and Arabic language subjects to students and adults for the last 15 years. He has studied the Arabic language, Quran, Hadees, Fiqh, Aqeeda, and other branches of knowledge from the Madrassas and Colleges in Kerala, India. He completed his higher studies at Al Azhar University in Egypt. He has also graduated with a BA from Calicut University and an MBA from Annamalai University.

The Minhaj al-Abidin, often regarded as Al-Ghazali’s final work, serves as a comprehensive summation of his philosophy. It presents a detailed account of the challenges and barriers that must be overcome in order to attain entry into the realm of Jannah. With his life drawing to a close, Ghazali imparts his wisdom to a select group of students, acknowledging the proximity of his own demise. He guides those who seek eternal life, urging them to confront obstacles like fear and pride, and encourages them to embrace salvation through their devotion to God.


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