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If you don’t have dream, you are like a fish inside the pond

Once upon a time, a respected citizen came to King Solomon, who was enjoying the sight of fish swimming in a pond, and said:

“King, I am in confusion! Every day of my life is like the one before it. I cannot distinguish dawn from dusk, and I no longer know happiness.” ๐Ÿ˜”

Solomon pondered and replied:

“Many would dream to be in your place, to have your home, your gardens, and your wealth.” ๐Ÿก

Then the wise king asked:

“And what do you dream of?” ๐Ÿค”

The petitioner answered:

“First, I dreamed of freeing myself from slavery. Then I dreamed that my trade would be profitable. Now, I donโ€™t know what to dream of.”

Solomon then proclaimed:

“A person without a dream is like the fish swimming in this pond. Each day of their lives is like the one before it. They cannot distinguish dawn from dusk and do not know happiness.”

He added:

“Unlike the fish, you have locked yourself in your own pond. If your life lacks a noble goal, you will wander aimlessly in your home and, in dying, realize that you have lived in vain. But if you have a goal, each step you take will let you know whether you are moving closer to it or farther away. This will fill you with excitement and passion for life.”

The petitioner furrowed his brow and asked:

“Does this mean that every time I achieve one goal, I should seek another, and every time a dream comes true, I should dream of a new one? Only in the pursuit will I find happiness?”

And the king replied:
